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Drying Rose

According to the traditional Chinese medical science, rosebuds help   to regulate the flow of vital energy and resolve depression, promote blood   circulation for remove blood stasis, regulate menstruation for relieving   pain, and to soften heart and cerebral vessels. They taste sweet and a little   bitter and have a warm nature, so they can nourish our heart, liver and blood   vessels and regulate the flow in our body to help sedation, tranquillization   and anti-depression. Typically, rosebuds are stored after dried up for wide   use.

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There are many rosebud drying methods such as drying in the sun or in   the shade, freeze-drying and drying by using dryers. Among those methods,   drying in the sun and airing in the shade not only can achieve a good drying   result but also are very convenient and labor-saving. However, both of them   can’t effectively and completely kill insect eggs which will grow into worms   within 2-3 months. The natural drying methods are accordingly not applicable   to commercial production of dried rosebuds. DRYTECH dryer which can protect   effective elements in the roses well is the best choice to produce top-graded   dried rosebuds.

How to dry rosebuds   with DRYTECH dryer

F  Pick up rosebuds: The   best time to pick is when the calyx slightly expands and tips of pedals   become red, that is, before the rosebuds are getting ready to blossom. Pick   up rosebuds which expands completely but do not open. The picked rosebuds   shall be put in the bamboo cages or baskets and be sold or processed at the   collection spots as soon as possible. If the picking location is far away, it   is necessary to build a temporary shad where you can unfold rosebuds for   airing. Don’t pile them up, or they will get hot.

F  Purchasing methods   and standards: The processing factories buy fresh rosebuds from appointed   farmers on a concentric basis. Rosebuds shall be those which are picked up   within 12 hours, and look bright in color and uniform in size. The quantity   of small rosebuds shall be less than 5% of the total. Rosebuds have no   pedicel, are not mixed with other things. Their receptacle is perfect.   Neither they are injured by worms nor watered. They smell purely fragrant.   Those that open half or completely are not qualified.

F  Select fresh   rosebuds: Sort the purchased rosebuds out by variety and then select them carefully.   Make sure that neither other substances nor rosebuds which open half or   completely or small are included.

F  Put fresh rosebuds on   grates and load them in the car: Put the selected rosebuds on the wood drying   grates equipped with iron gauze at their bottom on an even basis. Make sure   that all petals are either face upward or downward, put evenly but not be   overlapped together. Load the grates in the car lightly. Make sure that   rosebuds are not deformed or damaged.

F  Remove water and dry   rosebuds up: Carefully push the car into the drying cabinet, close the   cabinet door, and raise the temperature. Exercise strict control over the   temperature in the cabinet to dry the fresh rosebuds up and regularly change   the direction of air supply to make sure that they are dried evenly with a   bright color.

F  Take dried rosebuds   out of the cabinet: Dry the fresh rosebuds for 8 hours, and then check them   by hand. If rosebuds are perfectly parched, they look lustrous and smell   fragrant with pedals purplish red or even darker and their receptacle and   sepals yellow green, and you can easily crumb pedals into pieces and   receptacle into threads. Push the car out of the cabinet.

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F  Sort out dried   rosebuds into groups and pack them up for storage: Sort out rosebuds into   groups; cool them to the normal temperature; pack up them with nontoxic plastic   bag; seal the bag; put the bag into the standard paper boxes; and at last   store the boxes in the warehouse meeting the sanitary standards. Keep the   warehouse dry and draughty and the boxes 20 centimeters away from the ground   and the walls.

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Nexe: Drying chrysanthemum flowers

Pre: Drying Shiitake(mushroom)
