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Drying chrysanthemum flowers

Drytech dryer use for drying chrysanthemum flowers


Chrysanthemum is a perennial herbaceous plant of the composite family. Its dried flower head is typically used as a medicine. Moisture content of fresh chrysanthemum is very high, even more than 80%, while its petals are the opposite. Its head is difficult to lose water due to its tough tissue, while its petals are very soft and easy to dry. Its head is often used as a medicine though its tissue is very uneven. Dried chrysanthemum is widely used for tea. The chrysanthemum tea smells fragrant, taste sweet and is good for digestion and refreshment. Customers have higher requirements on color, aroma shape and taste of dried chrysanthemum which shall be the very same as fresh chrysanthemum. For this purpose, fresh chrysanthemums can be dried only after steamed. Its head shall be dried on a strong basis while its petals shall be dried with the opposite way. The current traditional drying process, that is, steaming and then drying in the sun, is completely subject to the weather. The pedals are always dried up too much, even falls off, and the dried chrysanthemums can’t meet quality requirements. As an environmental solution, DRYTECH chrysanthemum dryer has freed customers from restriction of the weather and ensures that the dried chrysanthemum is complete, lustrous and parched properly. 


How to dry chrysanthemums with DRYTECH dryer: 

F  Raise the temperature to 65-75°C which will be held for 2-3 hours to remove water, to 35-40°C held for 2-3 hours, 40-45°C held for 8 hours, and finally to 50-55°C held for 8 hours. The first-phase drying process takes 18-20 hours. 

F  Reduce the temperature to 35-40°C held for 3-4 hours. Raise the temperature to 45-50°C held for 15 hours, and to 55-60°C for one hour. The second-phase drying process takes about 19-20 hours. (Note: Make sure that the hot air supply is available all the time and is recorded on an hourly basis.) 


Nexe: Drying Pitaya Flower

Pre: Drying Rose
