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Drying Shiitake(mushroom)

Shiitake is a world-famous valuable edible fungus. With unique   fragrance, it contains a lot of nutriments. Its pulp tastes very soft and   smooth. It is accordingly one of frequently-used accessories in many famous   dishes at home and abroad. In addition, it is a famous medicinal fungus which   has higher pharmaceutical values in benefiting qi, satisfying human hunger   and dispelling pathogenic wind for blood stasis. According to the modern   medicine researches, it helps to improve our health, soften our blood   vessels, lower cholesterol levels and even prevent against cancers if we   often eat it. Therefore, shiitake sells very well in the international market   and has become the second largest edible fungus in the world. It’s proven   that producing and processing shiitake not only has an extensive market prospect   but also can create significant economic and social benefits.


How to dry shiitake  with DRYTECH dryer

F  Preparation: Pick up   shiitake which are about half ripe and not watered for a day. Sort out the   picked shiitake into groups, and then expose them in the blazing sun for 2-3   hours to remove some water; put shiitake in the plate with cap face upward   and stem face backward on an even basis. Don’t overlap or squeeze them, or   Shiitake quality will be decreased due to damage. Make sure that shiitake is   dried after 6 hours of picking. If refrigeration available, fresh shiitake   can be kept longer.

F  Temperature control:   Raise the temperature in the cabinet to 35°C, and then put shiitake into the   cabinet. The temperature shall be lower at first, and then raise it   gradually. Generally, raise 1-3°C within one hour, and the highest   temperature shall be 70-75°C. Dry shiitake at 35-40°C for 6 hours, at 40-60°C   for 8-10 hours and at 60°C below for two hours. The higher moisture content   is, the more time it takes to dry fresh Shiitake. If the temperature   increases abruptly at the beginning, the cap will not be round, chapped and   become black, gills will be overlapped, and the activity of enzyme will be   damaged. Shiitake will lose its original flavor accordingly. Dry shiitake   until it is fully parched. Neither stop heating at will, nor change the   temperature at a sudden, or shiitake will become black and its quality will   decline.


F  Humanity control:   Exercise strict control over the temperature, and timely dehumidify in the   drying process. In the early drying process, dehumidify on a full-load basis   as the temperature is 35-40°C; dehumidify at intervals at 40-60°C; and stop   dehumidifying as the temperature is higher than 60°C. Shiitake will become   white in case of excessive removal of moisture. Hygrophanous and yellow   shiitake means that moisture is not removed in a proper way or the   temperature is too low, especially heat supply is stopped in the drying   process.

F  Drying quality   inspection: After 16-18 hours of drying, open the cabinet door to check   dryness of shiitake. Use your finger to press the place where the cap and the   stem connects. If there is only indentation, dryness of shiitake is just   enough. If you feel very soft and gills are soft too, continue to dry them.   Dried shiitake has a unique fragrance with yellow, erect and complete gills.   Moisture content in dried Shiitake is less than 13% by weight. Dried shiitake   remains its original shape with round and flat cap and natural color.

Nexe: Drying Rose

Pre: Drying Bamboo fungus
