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The drying process of persimmons.

The drying process of persimmons.

1. After washing and peeling the persimmons, place them on a material tray and place them in the drying room for drying;

2. Adjust the temperature of the drying room to 40 degrees Celsius, dry for 10 hours, and ventilate and dehumidify every two hours for 20 minutes each time;

3. When the surface of persimmons appears white, it is necessary to knead the cake gently. Then, dry the persimmons at a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius for 12 hours, adjust the humidity in the drying room to 65%, pay attention to ventilation and moisture removal, and regularly flip the sides to ensure that the persimmons are evenly heated;

4. Perform a second kneading of persimmons with wrinkles on the surface, knead the persimmon flesh until it is loose and not broken. Raise the temperature of the drying room to 50 degrees Celsius, dry for 15 hours, and adjust the humidity to 30%;

5. Perform the third kneading of the persimmon cake, dry the persimmons at 45 degrees Celsius for 10 hours, wait until the persimmon cake is soft and hard, and then retract it to soften and frost.

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