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Drying Agaric (Auricularia auricula-judae)

Agaric sells very well in the market. Currently, its average price in the market is about RMB 50 yuan per jin (a Chinese unit of weight). It is plenty of nutrients and is very popular with foodies. It can help to cure many diseases such as high blood pressure and urethral calculus. Accordingly, their market demand is quite heavy. China plays an important role of producing agaric in the world. Agaric mainly grows in Jilin, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hubei, Shanxi and Zhejiang. Among them, agaric in Heilongjiang are the most famous. For the sake of storage and selling, it is very common to dry up the agaric. Therefore, the agaric dryer is very necessary for production at scale. 


How to dry agaric with DRYTECH dryer 

Set the drying temperature to 35°C at the beginning. Agaric will deform if the temperature is too high and moisture is removed insufficiently. Dry agaric at 35-40°C for 4 hours; raise the temperature to 45-50°C (the highest temperature must be lower than 60°C) to dry it up. The entire drying process takes about 10-14 hours. The drying process varies with the actual situations such as the desired dryness, the size of the cabinet, and the ventilation way. 

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