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How to dry peach with heat pump dryer?

(1) Raw material selection: Dried peaches require large fruit shape, high sugar content, tight and thick flesh, less juice, golden flesh, aroma, less fiber, and 80 to 90% ripening. It is best to harvest the fruit when the skin becomes slightly soft;

(2) Selection and cleaning: Remove rotten, diseased, damaged, and immature fruits, clean the sediment and peach hair on the surface of the fruits;

(3) Cut in half and remove the core: Use a cutting machine or stainless steel knife to cut along the "suture" of the fruit in half, use a core digging knife to remove the core, and then put it into a 1% -3% salt solution to protect the color;

(4) Peeling and cleaning: Peeling agents can be used to remove the skin, or 1.0% to 2.5% hot sodium hydroxide solution can be used to blanch the skin;

(5) Hot blanching: Steam the peeled peach slices in steam or blanch them in boiling water, remove and drain the water;

(6) Smoked with sulfur: Arrange the cut faces of peaches in a fruit tray and smoked with sulfur for 4-6 hours.

(7) Heat pump drying: Directly send the processed materials into the drying room for drying.

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